Our mission

The Organisation for Animal and Nature Protection “ANIMAL LIFE”

Animal Life is a non-profit organisation, founded in 2006, whose members are volunteers, brought together by the love towards animals and nature. At first we were 8 people, some of us left, some of us stayed, new friends joined us along these years, and 10 years later we are still trying to build a better world with people that respect all life forms.

To build this world we are undertaking awareness and education activities but also practical actions, to intervene in the case of animals in urgent need of help. Here are some of our main lines of activity:

Managing and helping pets

This became our main domain of activity where managing of stray dogs and cats is our daily concern. We wish to contribute in order to achieve living in a country without abandoned and tortured animals and for achieving this goal we implemented the following measures:

  • takeover, accommodation, neutering, vaccination of abandoned animals until they can be adopted by families. despre-noi-img
  • promoting the adoption of animals against the purchase of them
  • neutering and treating pets for people who cannot afford these interventions
  • prevention of abandonment and cruelty towards animals with the help of awareness and educational campaigns in kindergartens and schools
  • collaboration with the public shelter in order to promote adoptions and avoiding the euthanasia of healthy dogs.
  • interventions in case of accidents through saving, taking over and treating the injured animal
  • following legislative bills in order to ensure the correct direction of the management of stray animals
  • consulting with the competent authorities for an optimal handling of pets (ANSVSA, the city hall of Sibiu, the Police of Sibiu)

Saving wild animals

despre-noi-img2 In case of emergencies we intervene by taking over wild animals, as well where we have the advantage of collaborating with other specialized organisations for their know-how. In recent years we intervened in saving a growing number of birds which we were able to offer a good chance for treatment after what we managed to return them into their territory thanks to the Organisation Friends of Storks from Cristian.
Contact number for “Organisation Friends of Storks from Cristian” – emergencies for birds: 0723.327.931
Contact number for “Organisation Milvus Group” – emergencies for wildlife: 0722.533.816 (available 24 hours)

Planting, greening

Together with our friends from Verdele-n Sus, Tășuleasa Social, Let’s do it Romania, we get involved on a yearly basis into all greening or tree planting projects in our county.

Lobbying, social awareness

We wish for a generation of responsible Romanians who are aware of the environment and who
have the courage to express their point of view even on the streets if necessary. Flash-mobs or
anti-fracking demonstrations, we are not afraid of expressing our point of view and to support the
ideas we believe in.

Educational campaigns

Education is the only chance to turn things into a better direction. We can hope to achieve an equilibrated country where the environment and the animals are valued and protected only with a generation of responsible and empathetic children. Click here to find out more regarding our campaigns and events.