Today we have received new photos from Vulpița. She looks very happy in her new home in Germany. We thank everybody from Streunerhilfe International for helping us to find a new home for her.
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Today we celebrate two years since we have Lupine. This is why we wanted to share some photos with you. You can see that she also likes to get dirty but she can also clean herself up by swimming in the lake. We are all doing great. Last month little Lupine had to undergo surgery […]
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PAULINE – Happy End
Can you still remember Blacky and his mother. Well, Pauline, this great mom, did not forget us either and has sent a picture that shows how happy she is. We wish her to always stay this happy.
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SCUMPI – Happy End
Little Scumpi has grown up and he sent us some pictures so we can see how happy and loved he is. We wish all the best to him and his new family.
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ZANZI – Happy End
Zanzi got to her new family yesterday. Here she found new friends and went for a nice walk. Her family fell in love with her. As you can see in the pictures, Zanzi, inspected each corner of her new home.
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Zdreanţă – HAPPY END
Zdreanta got a new name: Abel. As you can see in the pictures, he is clean and loved. He has a beautiful garden to play in and a tom cat as a play mate. We wish them all the best. 8.06.2014: Zdreanță has been adopted. 7.05.2014:My name is Zdreanţă and I am looking for a […]
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Fibi – Happy End
8.06.2014: Fibi has sent some fotos from her new home, for us to see how big and beautiful she has become. We wish her all the best. 25.04.2014: Fibi has been adopted. Thank you Freie Tierhilfe for your help. This is her story: Date of birth: 24.12.2013 Size: middle to big Gender: female Fibi and […]
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BIGU/OSKAR – Happy End
Can you still remember Oskar? Fortunately, he has not forgotten us either and has sent us some pictures where we can see how well he is doing with his new family in Germany.
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ALFIE – Happy End
Can you still remember Alfie? He was found in December 2013 with a severe infection caused by a burn on his nose. He had a guardian angel and thus he got adopted. Thank you Vilshofener Hunderettung for your help and for this happy ending. Also thank you, Adriana Bucur for all the love and care […]
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Nugget – Happy End
Andi, who is now called Nugget, left for his new home in Germany in the summer of 2013. But he has not forgotten us and has send us fotos and news. “We will always be grateful for having found him. At first Nugget as a bit shy and frightened but now he is feeling safe. […]
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Safi – Happy End
The perfect Cinderella story: after being thrown away in Romania, she is being treated like a princess in Germany. Safi was thrown away with eleven other cats out on a field, after they had all spent the rest of their lives with families. Unfortunately not all cats survived, but Safi turned out to be an extraordinary […]
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Mr. Whiskers – Happy End
Mr. Whiskers, one of the cats that were abandoned out in the field has found his family. He sends us pictures from his new home, where he is safe and sure he will never be abandoned. Here you can read his entire story: https://www.animallife.ro/cazuri-speciale/5-pisici-de-pe-camp)
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Ciobi – Happy End
Ciobi was in our care only for a short time as he got adopted. His new family is very happy with him and has sent us the first fotos. Thank you! We wis you many beautiful moments together!
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Lucki – Happy End
Lucki brings so much joy into my life…he is a very funny dog. When we are on the playground, I can let him run free without having to worry about him going to far. He loves playing with other dogs and enjoys running with them each time he has the chance to do so. When we are […]
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Benji – Happy End
Benji (now Alfred) was found last year in a horrible condition. Now he is in Germany in his new home and is enjoying each minute of his new life. Thank you to all those that contributed to his rescue!
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Lady – Happy End
Lady, now Nelly, has found her luck! There is somebody with her around the clock and she loves taking long walks to discover the surroundings of her new home. She is sooo happy! I think you can see this in the pictures she sent!
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Rocky – Happy End
Rocky is the dog that protested with us for Roşia Montana – everybody in Sibiu knew him and cared for him. He was taken out of the dog shelter and found his family in Germany. Now he is a Little shy as he doesn’t understand exactly what’s happened to him. Still, he loves the food, gets along […]
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Flöckchen – Happy End
Hi, I want to tell you how Flöckchen, now Lucy, is doing. We adopted her in December 2013 and have been enjoying each minute with her ever since. Lucy was a little shy in the beginning and didn’t listen to all the commands in obedience school, as she was afraid she could do something “wrong”. Now […]
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Brownie – Happy End
Little Brownie came in our care at the end of last year together with her mother Lily. Now she has found her own family. Today she sent us some pictures from her new home and lets us us she is very happy and healthy… Her new family, which loves her very much, has called her Gioia…
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BINA – Happy End
Hi! Today I want to show you some new pictures of me! I am doing great and I have become pretty big – I am 45 cm high and weigh 11,4 kg! My family thinks that I am cheeky an is also very happy about the fact that I do not bark too often! I have learned […]
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Grizzly – Happy End
Hi, do you remember Grizzly? After all the hardship he went through last year, Grizzly was adopted. Now he is happy in his new home and has sent us a picture. If you want to read his story please click here.
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Cookie – Happy End
Cookie has sent us photos from his new home. He is getting along with the other family dog and goes for walks without needing a collar. We thank Barbara and Nicola for this happy end. If you like to read Cookies story, click here.
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Hugo – Happy End
Greetings from Hugo! In october he went to his new family and has now sent us some pictures so that we can see how well he is doing.
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Roscatica – Happy End
Roscatica has been adopted in Germany. She has gained confindence in her new owner and they have a great bond! The new home suits the dog very well who also gets along with the cat that has been living there.
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Skinny & Taz ADOPTED
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