Adopted 2020

16 October 2018


Data nasterii: 16.03.2016 Sex: Femela Talie: Medie Pe Sansa soarta a aruncat-o in calea noastra in urma cu cateva luni. A aruncat-o la propriu, si anume dintr-o masina, de mana unui (ne)om care abia s-a sinchisit sa incetineasca pentru a scapa de pasagerul nedorit. Am gasit-o la marginea drumului, cu un picior spintacat, care nu [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
22 January 2018


Data nasterii: 15 Iulie 2017 Sex: Femela Talie: Mare Ava, un munte galactic de veselie și drăgălășenie întruchipat în blăniță de cățel va pune cu siguranță un zâmbet larg chiar și pe cel mai trist chip. Alături de Ava, o dolofană iubăreață și mega iubibilă, nu e vreme de plictiseală. Știe să fure inima oricui. [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
3 May 2016


Date of birth: 04.04.2015 Gender: female Size: 55 cm LAYLA together with her little brother (Charlie) was born on the streets, but she had the chance of being saved and raised in safety. When she was 3 months old, we took her into our care together with her brother. At first, she seems a little [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
3 May 2016


Date of birth: 24.06.2015 Gender: female Size: big, 60 cm Sophie came in our care when she was only 10 days old, after she had been abandoned on the side of the road, together with her three sisters. She was found by a colleague who took the four babies and bottlefed them. Then, the time [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
3 May 2016


Date of birth: 24.06.2015 Gender: female Size: big, 62 cm Sara came in our care when she was only 10 days old, after she had been abandoned on the side of the road, together with her three sisters. She was found by a colleague who took the four babies and bottlefed them. Then, the time [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
6 April 2016


Date of birth: 04.04.2015 Gender: male Size: 55cm Charlie grew up with his sister Layla, they we’re born on the street, but they get a chance when they have been saved, and they could grew up in a safe place. From the age of 3 months we take care of them, in this time Charlie [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
25 July 2014


Date of birth: 20.04.2014 Gender: female Size: middle to big sized, 54-55 cm Aida has a simple and very common story, she was abandoned on a field with her sisters when they we’re only a few weeks. Their luck was that somebody found them and called Animal Life to come and get them. The time [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
25 July 2014


Date of birth: 20.04.2014 Gender: female Size: middle to big sized Ami has a simple and very common story, she was abandoned on a field with her sisters when they we’re only a few weeks. Their luck was that somebody found them and called Animal Life to come and get them. The time passed and Ami [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
25 July 2014


Date of birth: 20.04.2014 Gender: female Size: middle to big sized, 54-55 cm Alda has a simple and very common story, she was abandoned on a field with her sisters when they we’re only a few weeks. Their luck was that somebody found them and called Animal Life to come and get them. The time [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
25 July 2014


Date of birth: 20.04.2014 Gender: female Size: middle to big sized, 54-55 cm Alla has a simple and very common story, she was abandoned on a field with her sisters when they we’re only a few weeks. Their luck was that somebody found them and called Animal Life to come and get them. The time passed […]

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1 June 2013


Inaltime: 54 cm la greaban Data aprox. de nastere: 01.06.2009 Sex: Mascul El este LORD, un caine care a fost gasit calcat de masina, cu labuta rupta si nervii zdrobiti. A fost dus de urgenta la veterinar si operat. Starea lui a fost critica, dar cu ingrijirile medicale necesare si-a revenit. Acuma e un suflet […]

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7 December 2011


She was abandoned in our shelter together with her brothers and sister, her mother and aunt. The person also left a bag of food with them – rather surprising to us. Her mother got adopted to Germany, and the friendlier brother and sisters have found homes in Sibiu. Blackie and Dingo have always been shy […]

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