Adopted 2019

16 August 2014


VAVA is a sweet, energetic and friendly dog. Even if she was born on the street, she thinks of herself as being a lucky dog: she is healthy, has a loving and caring mother, three siblings to play with all day long and also a guardian angel who took her off the street. Her luck [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
6 August 2013

Lucky from Avrig

Data aprox de nastere: 26.01.2013 Talie: mediu-mare Sex: mascul Lucky are o poveste ingrozitoare pe care o preferam sa nu o mai povestim. Trecutul lui a lasat urme adanci, Lucky a scapat cu viata, dar e foarte speriat de oameni. In ingrijitorul lui a capatat incredere, se joaca si se comporta ca un caine normal. [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
11 January 2013

Soricica (Mousy)

Birth date: approx. 07.07.2012 Sex: female Size: middle-sized Soricica ar fi putut fi o catelusa vesela, jucausa si afectuoasa, dar fiindca nu au avut aceasta sansa, ea este doar protagonista unei alte povesti triste. La aprox. 4 luni, nu era dezvoltata nici cat pentru 2 luni. Fara mancare, fara ingrijire sau macar o vorba buna, [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
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