Today we present you Toni, a very special teenager tomcat. He was part of a family who had a lot of animals. Here things went out of control, and he and his brothers did not receive a proper care. Fate has not been kind with him, he got an unfriendly virus that got worst in [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Tommy
Today we present you Tommy, a very special teenager tomcat. He was part of a family who had a lot of animals. Here things went out of control, and he and his brothers did not receive a proper care. Fate has not been kind with him, he got an unfriendly virus that got worst in [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Morle
Today we present you Morle, a very special teenager tomcat. He was part of a family who had a lot of animals. Here things went out of control, and he and his brothers did not receive a proper care. Fate has not been kind with him, he got an unfriendly virus that got worst in [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Bazi
Data nasterii: 29.10.2014 Sex: Mascul Talie: Medie La sedinta foto Bazi si-a dat mare silinta sa faca o impresie buna. Si-e exersat postura de mascul increzator, privirea plina de siguranta si spera ca rezultatul sa convinga un om care se afla in cautarea unui suflet pereche. Fiind un caine inteligent, Bazi a invatat in cei [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Novac
Data nasterii: 15.04.2016 Sex: Mascul Talie: Medie El este Novac. Desi fiecare animalut care se afla in grija noastra este deosebit in felul sau, povestile lor sunt asemanatoare si incep cu cuvantul: ABANDON. Asa si in cazul lui Novac, un catel care si-a petrecut primii doi ani de viata legat intr-un lant scurt, hranindu-se cu [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Moxi
DOB: 26.04.2018 Sex: Mascul Talie: Medie Moxi e tipul de cățelandru bun la toate, un maestru fără pereche. Ager din fire, curios fără măsură, ascultător și manierat cu oamenii și, nu in ultimul rând, mega iubitor cu copiii, Moxi poate ocupa cu brio postul de Maestru de Curte. Legenda spune că puiuț fiind, Moxi a [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Gizmo
Meet Gizmo, a kitten with a character! He was lucky enough to have a roof over his head to have a devoted mother. Time has passed, Gizmo has grown and the place where he temporarily lives started becoming more and more overcrowded. If you want a playful and loving kitten, you can stop searching, because [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Charly
Meet Charly, a sweet and sympathetic little tomcat. He was abandoned in the area of a commercial complex, meowing after everyone until he conquered our hearts. Now Charly is in safety, enjoys the warmth and the love he receives, all he is now missing is an adoptive family. If you want to meet the little [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Ona
Data nasterii: 02.09.2015 Sex: Femela Talie: Medie-mare Din seria "cu ce am ramas noi dupa campaniile de castrari" v-o prezentam pe Ona. Pe Ona o alintam cu drag "lipici" sau "scaiete" fiindca tare greu se dezlipeste de noi (dar si noi de ea). Nu acelasi efect l-a avut asupra celor care i-au fost stapani si [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Max
Data nasterii: 21.11.2017 Sex: mascul Talie: medie (Greaban: 47 cm) Max al nostru, cel cu urechile mari, cauta in continuare o familie. Nu intelegem de ce nu i-a oferit inca nimeni o sansa. Toti fratii lui sunt la casutele lor, numai el a ramas in grija noastra, asteptand sa fie descoperit. Max este un adolescent [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Betsy
Today we would like to introduce you to Betsy. She is a shy female cat, but as soon as she gets to know you, she will put her playful and cheerful side on display. She was taken in together with his mother and the rest of her litter, as some people in their living area [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Sabrina
Faceti cunostinta cu Sabrina! O pisica foarte norocoasa. Ea a fost gasita tremurand de frica la usa teatrului, nestiind cum a ajuns acolo. Refuza sa calce pe una dintre labute, dar desi nu avea fractura si totul parea in regula ea nici acum nu isi foloseste acea labuta, insa micuta nu pare fi deranjata deloc [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Kimyo
Kimyo is a loving cat who came to the yard of one of Animal Life’s volunteers. He arrived out of nowhere and he doesn’t want to leave until we find him a family as loving as him. He is a quiet cat who loves to be around humans. If you want to adopt this cat, [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Hathi
Today we present you a truly special cat. It's hard to imagine how her life has been so far, so we see her as a very special companion. Hathi lived in a room of no more than 5 square meters , surrounded by many other cats, none of which were neutered. The situation got out [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Samy
Data nasterii: 03.2017 Sex: masculin Talie: mica (Greaban: 35 cm) El e Samuel, un catel foarte prietenos si dragalas, care cersea atentia trecatorilor pe strazi si era in mare pericol sa fie otravit sau ridicat de higheri. E un caine potrivit pentru oricine, prietenos si necomplicat. Daca doriti sa adoptati acesta catelusa va rugam sa [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Scarlett
When speaking of Scarlett, it's often easy to assume she isn't really around the house at all. She never meows and you will only rarely see her making a lot of noise. Sometimes a whole day will pass without her being seen... except if one might be looking for her. You might find her on [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Sansa
Two extremely attentive ears, two sleepy eyes, a wet nose, two pairs of soft paws, a bundle of joy! That's what you get if you want to get to know little Sansa. She is dewormed internally and externally, fully vaccinated, neutered and ready to be adopted. Our bundle of joy is not complete without a [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Nela
Meet Nela, a gentle cat craving affection. A brute abandoned her and her two brothers on the bank of the Cibin river. Fortunately for her, fate was not as harsh to this cat as it often is to other felines, and she could be saved in time. This beauty has her bags already packed and [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Yellow
Data nasterii aprox: 07.07.2004 Sex: Femela Talie: Medie Va amintiti de Yellow - catelusa gasita in urma cu doua luni intr-o stare deplorabila? Astazi revenim cu vesti bune despre batranica noastra: demodecia i-a trecut, infectia de la ureche la fel, iar vestea cea mai buna este ca s-a ingrasat cu cateva kilograme. Urmeaza sa ii [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Donny
Data nasterii: 03.02.2005 Sex: Mascul Talie: Mare (60 cm la greaban) Pozele de față nu infățișează nicidecum un câine de pluș, ci un cățelandru în carne și oase. El este Donny, un cârlionțat cu o experiență de viață uimitoare. Are 12 ani și este aidoma jucăriilor de pluș din copilărie. Prin comportament și înfățișare, reușeștă [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Inka
Data nasterii: 01.02.2017 Sex: Femela Talie: Medie (Greaban: 46cm) Se spune că micile bucurii aduc cele mai mari satisfacții. Studiile din toate timpurile arată că prezența unui companion îmbunătățește calitatea vieții prin reducerea nivelului de stres, atenuarea sau eliminarea efectelor specifie depresiei. Sentimentul de singurățate nu va mai fi o corvoadă. Un astfel de patruped [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Dinky
Data nasterii: 22.02.2017 Sex: Mascul Talie: Medie (Greaban: 45cm) Am spus-o de multe ori și cu certitudine o vom repeta ori de câte ori este nevoie: viața într-un adăpost de câini, așa cum știți și dumneavoastră, nu este deloc una fericită. Experiențele dintr-un asemenea loc își pun amprenta - uneori definitiv, alteori doar permanent- asupra [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »NESSIE
Date of birth: 09.12.2016 Gender: Female Size: Medium - Big You are invited to meet Nessie, the tiniest puppy among the litter thrown away during this year's freezing January. Do you want to offer her a little bit of your attention? Then get ready! You have already won her heart and will be assaulted with [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »LUCI
Date of birth: 09.11.15 Gender: Male Size: Medium Surely each one of you has a Luci in their life - that person who is a Jack of All Trades, ready to come to the rescue at any time. We too have our Luci and are delighted to introduce him to you. Luci is a young and [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »ARMY
Date of birth: 19.05.2010 Gender: Male Size: Medium - Big All too often we find animals in deplorable states, states that transform their lives and condemn them to sufferings which are hard to imagine and often end up to be fatal. This is how we found ARMY, a 6 year old male. Eaten alive by gigantic [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »PACO
Date of birth: 28.07.2015 Gender: Male Size: Medium PACO has already received the „Cheerfulness Award” from us, because it is impossible for anyone to stand next to him and not start laughing when he jumps around like a little goat! He was found in a village, wandering the streets in hopes of finding something….anything to [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »JOJO
Date of birth: 10.05.2014 Gender: Female Size: Medium - Big (54 cm) My name is JOJO and I was rescued from the streets when I was just a little bundle of fur. Meanwhile, I have learned a lot of new things, but I desire so much a family which will give me a true chance [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Sasha
Date of birth: 01.04.2014 Gender: female Size: medium - big Sasha is a wonderful dog. She was found on the street with a big cut on her ribs. She received surgery and antibiotic treatment. All this time, Sasha delighted us with her kind and loving spirit. She gets along very well with other dogs as [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »Leila
Date of birth: 04.04.2015 Gender: female Size: big, 61 cm For those of you interested in Mioritic beauties! We present to you the newest “models”, unique models of course emoticon smile . LEYLA was born in a yard which had recently been rented by a good-natured person, thus receiving the chance of being saved and raised in safety. […]
Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »LOLO
LOLO was abonded out in a field, close to some houses under construction, together with her sister and her brother. The first three months of life were hard, as the three siblings lived outside in the cold. Lolos sister did not make it. Her brother was luckier and got adopted in Germany. Lolo is still [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »- 1
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