
8 March 2019


Today we present you Toni, a very special teenager tomcat. He was part of a family who had a lot of animals. Here things went out of control, and he and his brothers did not receive a proper care. Fate has not been kind with him, he got an unfriendly virus that got worst in [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
8 March 2019


Today we present you Tommy, a very special teenager tomcat. He was part of a family who had a lot of animals. Here things went out of control, and he and his brothers did not receive a proper care. Fate has not been kind with him, he got an unfriendly virus that got worst in [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
8 March 2019


Today we present you Morle, a very special teenager tomcat. He was part of a family who had a lot of animals. Here things went out of control, and he and his brothers did not receive a proper care. Fate has not been kind with him, he got an unfriendly virus that got worst in [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
26 November 2018


Data nasterii: 29.10.2014 Sex: Mascul Talie: Medie La sedinta foto Bazi si-a dat mare silinta sa faca o impresie buna. Si-e exersat postura de mascul increzator, privirea plina de siguranta si spera ca rezultatul sa convinga un om care se afla in cautarea unui suflet pereche. Fiind un caine inteligent, Bazi a invatat in cei [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
26 November 2018


Data nasterii: 15.04.2016 Sex: Mascul Talie: Medie El este Novac. Desi fiecare animalut care se afla in grija noastra este deosebit in felul sau, povestile lor sunt asemanatoare si incep cu cuvantul: ABANDON. Asa si in cazul lui Novac, un catel care si-a petrecut primii doi ani de viata legat intr-un lant scurt, hranindu-se cu [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
2 November 2018


Meet Sisi, a kitten with a character! She was lucky enough to have a roof over her head to have a devoted mother. Time has passed, X has grown and the place where she temporarily lives started becoming more and more overcrowded. If you want a playful and loving kitten, you can stop searching, because [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
31 October 2018


DOB: 26.04.2018 Sex: Mascul Talie: Medie Moxi e tipul de cățelandru bun la toate, un maestru fără pereche. Ager din fire, curios fără măsură, ascultător și manierat cu oamenii și, nu in ultimul rând, mega iubitor cu copiii, Moxi poate ocupa cu brio postul de Maestru de Curte. Legenda spune că puiuț fiind, Moxi a [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
31 October 2018


Betty is a gentle cat and a devoted mother to her kittens. She is a young, calm and balanced cat, now that her kittens are grown, needs nothing more in this world than an adoptive family, to purr into your arms and to brighten your days with her way of being. If you want to [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
26 October 2018


Meet Gizmo, a kitten with a character! He was lucky enough to have a roof over his head to have a devoted mother. Time has passed, Gizmo has grown and the place where he temporarily lives started becoming more and more overcrowded. If you want a playful and loving kitten, you can stop searching, because [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
22 October 2018


During this year a worrying number of baby cats were found thrown away in different locations. This was also the story of Moody, a real little walking-fur, which is temporary in the care of our friend Alina. Moody, was separated from his mother and abandoned when he was still breastfed. It seems the kitten is [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
18 October 2018


Meet Charly, a sweet and sympathetic little tomcat. He was abandoned in the area of a commercial complex, meowing after everyone until he conquered our hearts. Now Charly is in safety, enjoys the warmth and the love he receives, all he is now missing is an adoptive family. If you want to meet the little [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
17 October 2018


Aceasta frumoasa domnisoara a ajuns in grija noastra dupa ce a ramas blocata intr-un copac. Micuta Kathi a stat acolo 6 zile... Ea acum este bine, a primit multa mancarica gustoasa si apa, a facut si o vizita si la medicul veterinar si acum este gata sa fie luata acasa de o familie care sa [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
16 October 2018


Avem de dat un ghemotoc umblător, aducător de zâmbete si bucurii. El impreuna cu inca 2 surioare au fost părăsiți sau aruncați peste noapte - după binecunoscutul obicei românesc - într-un loc cu multă iarbă și cu acces la public și la pericole, pisoii au reușit să se facă totuși auziți, în ciuda glăsciorului obosit [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
16 October 2018


Data nasterii: 16.03.2016 Sex: Femela Talie: Medie Pe Sansa soarta a aruncat-o in calea noastra in urma cu cateva luni. A aruncat-o la propriu, si anume dintr-o masina, de mana unui (ne)om care abia s-a sinchisit sa incetineasca pentru a scapa de pasagerul nedorit. Am gasit-o la marginea drumului, cu un picior spintacat, care nu [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
15 October 2018


Today we would like to introduce you to Alano. He is a shy male cat, but as soon as he gets to know you, he will put his playful and cheerful side on display. He was taken in together with his mother and the rest of her litter, as some people in their living area [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
12 October 2018


Meet Joschi, a young and good-looking tomcat looking for a forever home. He is sociable and purrs loudly, great to take home with you. If you want to get to know this handsome boy, please send us a private message. If you wish to adopt this cat please send us a private message on our [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
12 October 2018


Va prezentam astazi un nou motan care e in cautarea unei familii adoptive. El este Azrael, un motan de aproximativ 3 ani, foarte bland si linistit care a ajuns in grija noastra dupa ce a fost lovit de o masina intr-o zona intens circulata. A avut nevoie de o interventie chirurgicala insa acest frumos se [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
4 October 2018


Data nasterii: 02.09.2015 Sex: Femela Talie: Medie-mare Din seria "cu ce am ramas noi dupa campaniile de castrari" v-o prezentam pe Ona. Pe Ona o alintam cu drag "lipici" sau "scaiete" fiindca tare greu se dezlipeste de noi (dar si noi de ea). Nu acelasi efect l-a avut asupra celor care i-au fost stapani si [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
4 October 2018

Bali si Zanzi

Astazi vi le prezentam pe Bali si Zanzi, 2 pisicute pe cat de mici, pe atat de norocoase. Ele au fost abandonate in padure fara nici o mila la o varsta extrem de frageda. Spre norocul lor, au fost gasite de o voluntara inimoasa. Acum Bali si Zanzi sunt bine, in siguranta, au parte de [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
4 October 2018


Miky, surioara mai mică a lui Batman a aterizat la noi în căutare de un lucru despre care nu știe cum arată și cu ce se mănâncă: DRAGOSTE. Pe stradă, dragostea pentru animale abandonate există într-o măsură mai mică și este puțin probabil ca Miky să o cunoască astfel. Dar într-un cămin... eh, într-un cămin, [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
4 October 2018


Today we present to you a proud member of the Animal Life kindergarten. She is Pippa, an extremely affectionate cat was thrown out as garbage only after a couple of days after she was born. She had an unhappy start in life, but now she is the happiest and most joyful kitten and she is [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
3 October 2018


Data nasterii: 02.2010 Sex: mascul Talie: mare (Greaban: 57cm) SAM este ursuletul nostru, un ursulet nascut in 2010 si care a ajuns la noi acum 1 an jumate, dupa ce a fost gasit pe marginea drumului mai mult mort decat viu. Sam a suportat toate tratamentele eroic, ba mai mult ne-a coplesit si de fiecare [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
3 October 2018


Data nasterii: 21.11.2017 Sex: mascul Talie: medie (Greaban: 47 cm) Max al nostru, cel cu urechile mari, cauta in continuare o familie. Nu intelegem de ce nu i-a oferit inca nimeni o sansa. Toti fratii lui sunt la casutele lor, numai el a ramas in grija noastra, asteptand sa fie descoperit. Max este un adolescent [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
1 October 2018


What do you do when you wake up with a little ball of fur meowing underneath your window? This is where Kiki's story begins, or at least from here we know his story. Kiki was abandoned in bad condition under the window of a volunteer. He was weak and had an ugly infection in the [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
1 October 2018


Hector is a young kitten, spoiled and playful, that had the luck to be loved and cared for by his mother. From the very beginning he has been a strong one, taking his fill of mother's milk, and now he has opened his eyes and started discovering the world around him. The little trickster is [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
1 October 2018


Hello there! It´s me, Toulouse, the most spoiled tomcat you´ve ever seen! Unfortunately I cannot remember very well what happened, because me and my brothers were really small. I can only recall someone taking us away from our mommy and bringing us to a scary place. How long I cried for my mommy, I do [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
1 October 2018


Today we would like to introduce you to Betsy. She is a shy female cat, but as soon as she gets to know you, she will put her playful and cheerful side on display. She was taken in together with his mother and the rest of her litter, as some people in their living area [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
28 September 2018


O frumusete de pisicuta, gasita intr-o colonie de pisici. Fricoasa la inceput, dar foarte iubitoare odata ce a primit 1-2 mangaieri. Daca doriti sa adoptati aceasta pisica, va rugam sa ne trimiteti un mesaj privat pe pagina noastra de Contact: sau pe pagina noastra de Facebook: Data nasterii: 04.2018 Prietenoasa fata de alte [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
28 September 2018


Faceti cunostinta cu Sabrina! O pisica foarte norocoasa. Ea a fost gasita tremurand de frica la usa teatrului, nestiind cum a ajuns acolo. Refuza sa calce pe una dintre labute, dar desi nu avea fractura si totul parea in regula ea nici acum nu isi foloseste acea labuta, insa micuta nu pare fi deranjata deloc [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »
28 September 2018


Kimyo is a loving cat who came to the yard of one of Animal Life’s volunteers. He arrived out of nowhere and he doesn’t want to leave until we find him a family as loving as him. He is a quiet cat who loves to be around humans. If you want to adopt this cat, [...]Citeste mai mult »Read more »Weiterlesen »