TANO – Adopted

4 December 2016

TANO – Adopted


Birthdate: 30.08.2016
Sex: male
Size: small
I Am TANO. When I was just four days old, I have been “wrapped up” in a bag and abandoned in a small river together with my siblings (Bruno and Zuzu). Probably the story of my life was supposed to be much shorter

and known only by the one who decided to be my executor. However, it seems that my name and the names of my brothers were written in the book of souls which get a chance at life!
And so the story goes, small and frail as I was, I did not give up and cried as loud as I could in a desperate attempt to make myself heard. Now that I grew up to be good looking, playful and full of life, because I share kisses all around and I love to make humans cry with laughter when they are around me, I want to make myself seen too! 
I wish, like any little dog, to be adopted too, because I want to be happy and I promise to my future family that I will behave and will dedicate all my energy to learning “The Art of Bringing Happiness to Your Owner”. 

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