SERGHEI – Adopted

19 January 2017

SERGHEI – Adopted

Date of birth: 15.01.2016
Gender: Male
Size: Medium

Hello! I’m Serghei! Or at least this is how I’m called by the woman who saved me from the street when I was running around scared and hopeless. I was found with a broken chain around my neck. I wear a braided black-silver collar. She tried for one whole week to find my owners through the Animal Life Association. No one looked for me. No one recognized me.

I assure you that I am even better looking than in the pictures. My age was estimated around 9-12 months. I am very playful and friendly. And did I mention I adore children?
If you have a yard, please take me with you. In a couple of days, after I will have settled in, I promise to bravely protect the family which offered me a chance. My cheerfulness is contagious. You will see!

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