Today we present you Morle, a very special teenager tomcat. He was part of a family who had a lot of animals. Here things went out of control, and he and his brothers did not receive a proper care. Fate has not been kind with him, he got an unfriendly virus that got worst in unfavorable spaces. But he was strong and acquired antibodies against the virus, thing which made him an almost normal cat.
What makes him different from the other kittens is that he must be adopted in families with no other cats and to be protected from harsh environments. He is more like an apartment cat. Otherwise, we must say that he is a model, loving, playful, slightly timorous, but very affectionate and grateful tomcat.
The persons who are interested in his adoption can send us a private message. He should, and he will have equal chances to other cats
If you wish to adopt this cat please send us a private message on our Contact page or on Facebook:
DOB: 01.02.2018
Gender: male
EU passport:
Location: SIBIU
FIV test: negative
FeLV test: negative
Enclosure: as a single pet or companion to a cat with FIV
Handicaps: NONE
Compatible with
cats: YES
Looks for: home
Indoor/outdoor: only indoor
Character traits: lovable, shy at first