
7 December 2011


She was abandoned in our shelter together with her brothers and sister, her mother and aunt. The person also left a bag of food with them – rather surprising to us. Her mother got adopted to Germany, and the friendlier brother and sisters have found homes in Sibiu. Blackie and Dingo have always been shy so their chances of being adopted are really small. Blackie is only 2 years old, she loves to play with the other dogs from the shelter, just doesn´t want any human being to touch her.If you want to offer Blackie a chance or if you want to help please call 0741/188 934 or write to

IBAN: RO41RZBR0000060007805439
BENEFICIAR: Asociatia pentru Protectia Animalelor si a Naturii “Animal Life”
Str. Semaforului 11/13
550309 Sibiu, Romania

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