Someone once said you can´t love and protect something you don´t know. We do believe that people have to know and understand the animals in order to love and respect them. We wish for a generation of real humans and this is a great motivation in our work. That´s why we are trying to bring kids and animals together. We want the tiny humans to learn to respect and love animals, that animals are fun to spend time with but also need our help and protection. Our little city was filled with both animal and human babies and the relaxed and pleasant ambiance did well to everyone.
We return today with some pictures from The Little Animal City, a project made possible by the Sibiu Municipality through co-financing it. We´re not thanking only the Sibiu Municipality for the great day we had yesterday, but the wonderful people who were there as well: Paul Avrigean and the super team from the Club Ecvestria Transilvania, Liviu and Malina Masalaru, their girls and the team from Ferma Scoala Cornatel, Dragos Bibu from Colt Alb, Deborah Faoro from Faoro Dogs, Matli MC for the sound and music, our volunteers, all participants and not least, to all the animals for their patience and dedication for such a great cause.
P.S. Thanks for the best cookies ever offered by Mrs. Constantin to all participants, to Marian Biciclistul for the coffee and juice (that helped us through the whole day). We´d like to thank Adrian Florita from VIP Security for his professionalism and humanity, Nursing Medica and Duralex Adrian Bunea, Laurentiu Indreica for the great design and materials.
Special thanks to Gabi Ritivoiu for saving us once again! Thank you Adina Maria for the dog training demonstrations! Now we hope we didn´t forget anyone!
Setting the formal tone aside, we´d like to let you know how wonderful it feels to be surrounded by such great people who will help when needed, who know how to smile and spread hugs. We felt like a family in the park, like a real community who will help eachother but know how to enjoy the time spent together as well. Thank you, beautiful people! You were all wonderful and we hope to meet again soon!
#mySibiu #iubestecaunanimal #happyanimallife